I am from Nepal, and I am currently living in Kathmandu. I am 41 years old. I have had psoriasis on both of my hands for the past 16 months. Initially, I consulted a doctor at the hospital and used the ...
DermaTalk Latest Questions
Hello everyone, I have an issue I hope someone can help me out with. My 6 year old daughter has developed a skin tag on her chin. I’ve tried multiple oils to help remove it. My latest one was Melaleuca ...
i’m a Psoriasis sufferers since last 10 years. Do you know any Natural remedies to cure Psoriasis, please suggest some.
I went to my aunt’s house who’s daughter was infected with mites (she told me this) and said that they had mites all over the house the past few days but “took care of it”. Anyways, the child touched me ...
Hi, I had a very itchy rash for 10 days, on my limbs and face. I went to the GP who looked at it and said it was scabies, I was grateful for a diagnosis, until I looked online about ...
I’m sorry if its the wrong forum as it says about herpes simplex. I was curious about herpes zoster vaccine. can it be used during pregnancy? No i’m not getting pregnant, was just curious as i heard about herpes zoster ...
Hey guys, Last year I started getting outbreaks on my mouth. These outbreaks started to happen monthly and sometimes twice a month. They always appeared on the same place and because of the recurrent outbreaks my skin started to stain. ...