You have the yellow in between your teeth and want to remove the yellow line in between the teeth, here are the effective home remedies for the same.

The yellow accumulation in between your teeth may be the result of nor flossing properly. Flossing removes the buildup in between your teeth that can cause the yellow discoloration of in between the meals.

Make it sure to make flossing a part of your daily teeth cleaning process and do it the right way. Here is the correct procedure.

Use a good amount of floss about 18 inches in length and use it in C shape. Use fresh floss for every in between teeth section so the flossing can work effectively.
Be gentle in the process of flowing so that your Gums may not get damaged.
Make a paste at your home

Make the most effective teeth whitening home remedy for the yellow in between your teeth.

You can do it by adding baking soda inappropriate lemon juice, to make a paste. Use a toothbrush to apply the paste on your teeth. After applying the baking soda and lemon juice paste, leave it for at least one minute, better to leave it for three minutes, and afterwards, brush your teeth regularly as you do in your routine.
Do a Gentle brushing so that you can protect your teeth enamel, outer layer, from getting damaged.
Coconut Scrub

You can prepare teeth whitening scrubby combine Salt, baking soda, and strawberries. The salt in the mixture will act like an exfoliant to scrub gunk in between your teeth.

You can prepare the teeth whitening scrub for the yellow in between your teeth by mixing three strawberries, Mash the strawberries well and add salt and 1/ 2 teaspoon of baking soda.
Mix the ingredients well. When the scrub gets ready, spread this by the toothbrush and leave it for five minutes, then rinse.
This works best for teeth whitening while having braces as well.
Rinse with Hydrogen Peroxide

This is most common and most effective home remedy for the teeth whitening and can be used with simplicity for greater results of removing the yellow line in between your teeth.

Switch a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide for 10 seconds and then spit it out. Rinse well after you spit the hydrogen peroxide.
Use Orange Peels

Use of orange peels is also effective for removing the yellow in between teeth.

Simply rub the Orange peel on your teeth and you will get greater results within a week. Make it sure that the orange peel gets rubbed with the yellow line in between the teeth.