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  1. #1

    Default What To Eat Each Day For Looks And Health

    What To Eat Each Day For Looks And Health

    Apple Cider Vinegar
    Beside having amazing healing properties, apple cider vinegar keeps skin supple. It's heavy concentration of enzymes helps peel off dead skin cells. It breaks down fat and helps food digest properly.
    Maintain the outer layer of the skin to prevent premature aging. What you'll find in is the same as you'll get in Retina.
    To ensure a happy smile, add a slice or two of hard cheese into your diet. Choose Swiss, cheddar, or gouda to block bacteria in the mouth and prevent cavities.
    Citrus Fruits
    Hold the skin cells together by forming collagen. Collagen cannot be added to the skin topically, which is why fruits and fruit juices are such an important part of the daily diet.
    Keep urinary tract lining healthy.
    Helps combat wrinkles and restores tissue.
    Nonfat Yogurt
    High in calcium, which keeps your smile white and your teeth cavity-free.
    Sweet Potatoes Vitamin A is known to be a remarkable anti-wrinkling agent. Sweet potatoes are full of this important vitamin. The pleasing results is clearer, smoother skin.
    These "love apples" will keep you loving your skin. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium.
    Wheat Germ
    If you want to get rid of pimples quickly and efficiently, make sure to include two or three tablespoons a day in your diet. Add it to cereal, yogurt, and cottage cheese.
    You should choose foods that you enjoy, of course, but you need to include the following:
    Three to five servings daily. Try to include one serving of raw, leafy greens.
    Have no more than three three ounce servings a day. Cut off all fat. Try to make two servings of turkey or chicken. One serving of fish a day is ideal.
    Two to three servings daily. A 1/2 cup of chopped or sliced fruit is a serving. Fruit salad
    At least two servings daily. A serving would be eight ounces of milk or yogurt.
    Salad dressing, cooking oil, butter, and mayonnaise should be limited to two servings a day.

  2. #2


    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle could be expensive, as long as you're concern on your money. And we can't complete the routine daily, or do these routine everyday continuously. Health is investment, nothing to loose.
    As much as we keep ourselves healthy, as long as we eat some of those foods which certainly contains a lot of vitamins, we can maintain our healthy living.

  3. #3
    dale91's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    A healthy diet full of nutrients is the most essential thing in this case. If the body does not receive its daily intake of nutrients, it may create such problems and maybe worse in the future.
    Some of the essential nutrients can be found in:
    1) Fresh Fruits and vegetables
    2) Green leafy vegetables
    3) Cereal crops such as oats, barley, wheat and millets.
    4) Fresh juices of fruits and vegetables.
    A breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be consumed before starting any kind of work.

  4. #4


    I definitely think that eating fruits and vegetables is a good thing for you to have a healthy lifestye. And perhaps avoid eating foods that are not that healthy like junk foods and so and so. Also, as an individual you are free to choose what food you want to eat. I suggest discipline is a must for you to know what food/s should be eaten. You can also do some research about the nutrients that you can possible get.

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