Results from this study suggest that the incidence of psoriasis is increased in patients treated with anti-TNFα therapy. Of the three anti-TNFα drugs tested, the incidence were higher in adalimumab-treated patients.

Aim was to determine whether the incidence rate of psoriasis was higher in RA pts treated with anti- TNFα therapy vs those treated with DMARDs
Incidence rates of psoriasis between the 3 anti-TNFα drugs for RA was also compared
9826 anti-TNF-treated and 2880 DMARD-treated pts with severe RA were studied
New onset psoriasis was reported as an adverse event
Incidence rates of psoriasis were calculated as events/1000 person yrs and compared using incidence rate ratios (IRR)

25 incident cases of psoriasis in pts receiving anti-TNFα therapy and none in the comparison cohort were reported
The absence of any cases in the comparison cohort precluded a direct comparison
Crude incidence rate of psoriasis in those treated with anti-TNFα therapy was elevated at 1.04 per 1,000 person yrs vs 0 per 1,000 person yrs in DMARD treated pts
Adalimumab-treated pts had a higher rate of incident psoriasis vs etanercept-treated and infliximab-treated pts

incidence of psoriasis is increased in patients treated with anti-TNF alfa therapy