Everybody sweats; it’s not a big issue, it can happen during summer or can happen just for no obvious reason. However, sometimes it can be due to medications or some underlying internal cause. Odorless sweating may not be of concern, ...
DermaTalk Latest Articles
Dry Skin in the Summer- How to Deal

When it comes to dry skin everyone remembers cooler winter month that notoriously cause skin to scale, itch, or crack. Although not as common during summer, people with dry skin type can still suffer dryness, coarseness, peeling and itchiness of ...
Smoking Makes you look ugly and old

Smoking causes facial wrinkles and premature aging making your face look older. The nicotine in the cigarette narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layer of skin; as a result it decreases blood flow. This means blood can’t carry ...
Cradle Cap in Babies – Causes and Remedies
If you are first time mother, you may be worried about your baby’s thick, greasy scalp. But it usually is nothing to worry about. Most likely, it is due to a common but harmless and temporary condition that many babies ...
Swimmers Ear Home Remedy

When you have swimmers ear it can really ruin your wonderful perfect summer day at the pool or at the beach. Luckily, there are several home remedies for swimmer’s ear that can bring relief within a few days. What is ...
Insect Bites During Summer- How Dangerous are They?
Summertime is always fun, traveling, visiting beach, having campfires and all those stuffs. However, it is almost impossible to avoid bug bites, stings and rashes. Insect bites and stings are common and can be very bothersome and sometimes even dangerous. ...
How to not Sweat

Excessive sweating affects millions of people worldwide and can be very embarrassing. Aside from embarrassment and discomfort, it can also stain clothes, ruin your romantic life and even limit your day to day social interaction. In some severe cases it ...
How to Apply Sunscreen?

Everyone knows how to apply sunscreen, but have you ever imagine if you’re using it in a right way? Is your sunscreen giving you adequate protection? Although many of you might find it simple and boring, let’s begin it anyway. ...
Find the Sunscreen that Perfectly Match your Lifestyle

Are you confused with all the sunscreen emerging on the market like a mushroom? All those detail about the ingredients used, water resistant, sun protection factor and all those stuffs, confused about what really look for in the sunscreen. The ...
Smelly Armpits and Body Odor: Causes and Remedies

Everybody sweats; it’s a natural phenomenon and not a big issue. Although sweating can be minor issue for most individual, unpleasant body odor like smelly armpits can be a matter of considerable concern for both the sufferers and to others ...