View Full Version : What is liposuction?

08-15-2018, 11:01 AM
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes unwanted fat deposits from your body areas such as, thighs, arms, hips, and abdomen. Liposuction contours these areas and alters the body shape. Various techniques are used for Liposuction in Dubai & in Abu Dhabi. Dubai Cosmetic Surgery provides liposuction procedures through techniques such as; Laser & Vaser liposuction at an affordable cost.

Liposuction Areas

Liposuction is carried out on areas of the body where deposits of fats tend to collect more. The most common areas that are treated with Fat transfer Treatment in Dubai and Abu Dhabi include:

Buttocks and hips
Inner knee
Calves and ankles
Upper arms
Chest area
Cheeks, chin and neck
Liposuction (شفط الدهون) can be performed alone or in combination with other procedures like tummy tuck, breast reduction or facelift surgery.

Who is The Liposuction Candidate?

Liposuction in dubai & abu dhabi, a fat grafting Treatment is an effective procedure for both men and women.. You may be an ideal candidate for this procedure if:

You are in good health.
You don’t have any active disease or pre-existing medical conditions that may halt the healing process.
You are not obese but slightly above your average weight.
You have excess fat deposits that are not responsive to diet and exercise.
You have firm, elastic and healthy skin.
You are not taking any blood thinning medications.
You don’t smoke.
You are not pregnant or lactating.
You have realistic expectations from the procedure.
Liposuction Procedure

There are various techniques for the procedure of liposuction in Abu Dhabi and Dubai and the duration of surgery also varies from patient to patient depending on the technique used and extent of surgery. Traditional fat transfer procedure includes the following steps:

At first, anesthesia is administered. The options include intravenous sedation, local anesthesia and general anesthesia but the procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia.
Your surgeon will make minor inconspicuous incisions at few sites on the treatment area.
A diluted local anesthesia is injected into the treatment area to reduce the risk of bleeding and trauma.
After injecting local anesthesia, a small cannula – thin hollow tube – will be inserted through incisions. This cannula will be moved back and forth to loosen the excess fat.
The broken fat will be removed using syringe or vacuum attached to the cannula.
Finally, incisions will be stitched closed with sutures. Absorbent dressings will be placed on incision wounds.