View Full Version : Itchy dry rash (Pictures attatched)

07-30-2014, 03:30 AM
Hi everyone. I have had a very itchy rash on my ankle for about the past three months. It has over the three months spread to my other leg, and up the same leg, I have about four patches of it now, but the one on my ankle is by far the worst and itchiest. I have been to my doctor twice, she told me both times it looked fungal and gave me miconazole cream and clomazol cream, neither have worked. I simply can not afford to go see her again being I have wasted $90 in doctors bills and prescriptions for something that doesnt work, I was wondering if anyone would know what this rash was as I am beginning to get a bit worried that in three months it has not gone away, but got worse. I am not on any medications, I am only using clomazol on it and it doesnt have any effect. 26912692

07-30-2014, 01:59 PM
Hi Jessica ! Welcome to the forum.sorry to hear about your condition . Though your picture is not so clear , your condition seems like dyshydrotic eczema or pompholyx to me. Doing simple KOH test to rule out fungal infection and local application of strong topical steroids like clobetasol cream along with oral antibiotic and antihistamines may be helpful. So I suggest you to see the dermatologist carry on the tests and manage acordingly. Hope you keep us updated.