View Full Version : 15 Hair Care Myths

10-27-2008, 05:40 AM
Everyone has a favourite myth about hair care, and we usually never let the truth get in the way of a good legend! This article examines some of the most widely known - and the reality behind the myths.

1. Excessive washing of hair causes hair loss/dryness
FALSE: Frequency of washing doesn't harm hair. Wash it as often as you like, although the recommendation is three times a week. The right shampoo for your hair type and texture will actually add moisture, body and beauty to your hair.

2. More shampoo = cleaner hair
FALSE: Don't waste your shampoo! A dollop of shampoo, about the size of a quarter is usually enough for long hair. Very long hair may take a little more.

3. Conditioner helps repair split ends
FALSE. No conditioner can 'repair' damaged hair. What it can do is smooth down the cuticle and make hair seem in better condition. A good conditioner can also prevent damage from occurring in the first place.

4. Blow-drying produces hair loss
FALSE. Blow-drying can damage, burn or dry hair, which can cause it to fall, but the hair will grow back immediately. This is not permanent hair loss.

5. Sleeping with wet hair causes scalp fungus
FALSE. Scalp or fungal diseases can't be caught from sleeping with wet scalps. Scalp infections require prior involvement with infected sources such as humans, tainted hair care tools or animals. Scalp fungus (tinea capitis) mainly affects children, whose immune systems make them more susceptible to skin infections.

6. To get your hair to grow, brush 100 strokes each day
FALSE. Brushing that much can damage the hair cuticle. NOT recommended! Actually, your hair reacts better to a comb than a brush. Brushing it will only lead to split ends and hair breakage.

7. Sharing combs and brushes can spread scalp diseases
TRUE.Lice and other parasites can be transported from scalp to scalp through the sharing of combs, brushes and other hair care tools.

8. Cutting hair makes it grow faster and/or thicker
FALSE. This common misconception comes from the fact that hair is thicker at the base than it is at the tip, so shorter hair appears thicker at first. Cutting your hair does not affect its normal biologically determined growth rate or overall texture. Thin, limp or fine hair will not ever grow thicker in response to a haircut. Plump up your hair by using volume enhancing hair care products, experimenting with a hair fattening blunt cut or getting a texturizing perm or color treatment.

9. Color treatment causes hair loss
FALSE. Most hair coloring products contain chemicals that can do serious harm to the hair itself if not properly used, but it wont instigate hair loss.

10. Salon products are identical to drugstore products
FALSE. Although there are exceptions, salon products generally contain higher quality, more expensive ingredients that are designed to consistently provide more intensive cleansing, moisturizing and conditioning results. The quality ingredients found in salon products are not usually found in drugstore brands. If in doubt, read the labels.

11. Long sun exposure favors hair loss
FALSE. Your hair acts as a shield against the sun. Hair loss appears at the follicle level and so the sun would have to penetrate at this depth to do any damage.

12. Diet is related to hair loss
TRUE. it's important to eat right in order to be generally healthy. However, no individual food has been proven to be beneficial or detrimental to hair.

13. Stress causes hair loss
TRUE, Severe stress (e.g. surgery or a death in the family), can shut down hair production, causing temporary hairloss (alopecia areata). The scalp usually recuperates, though, and hair grows back

14. Wearing tight braids, ponytails or buns causes baldness
TRUE. Traction alopecia is a very real hair loss condition that is quite common amongst older African American women. It results from wearing tight ponytails, cornrows or buns over an extended period of time. Over time, hair breakage or loss as the result of tight, stressed styles, can become permanent. Avoid this potential problem by opting for looser styles that minimize scalp tension.

15. Smoking causes gray hair
TRUE. According to J. G. Mosley of the Leigh Infirmary in Lancashire, England in an article in Science News (January 11, 1997) smokers are four times more likely to have gray hair than non-smokers. Even worse, smoking has been conclusively linked to accelerated hair loss.

Heard another myth about hair? Do your research, ask an expert! This doesn't include your grandmother, best friend or local barmaid. Instead, talk to an experienced hairdresser or a trichologist. Always get the real facts before you act on any hair myths, you owe it to your hair.

Article Author: John Pawlett
Article Source: Depositarticles.com

10-28-2008, 10:22 AM
thanks for information.but why you just copy and paste..?

10-31-2008, 03:20 AM
2. More shampoo = cleaner hair
FALSE: Don't waste your shampoo! A dollop of shampoo, about the size of a quarter is usually enough for long hair. Very long hair may take a little more.

-actually, my stylist recommends diluting a portion of shampoo with 5 portions of water (so it's a 1:5 ratio) then spraying it on to your hair instead of putting the whole glob of shampoo on one spot...

03-17-2009, 11:00 PM
I wash my hair everyday with whatever shampoo i can get on offer> my hairdresser constantly well al,ost complains about how thick my hair is.

03-21-2009, 11:30 AM
Wow. Some nice information everyday. @ mattaff - It is not good to use shampoo everyday.

07-04-2009, 04:58 PM
Take warm coconut oil & rub it on the scalp with cotton wool. Then apply this oil till the ends of your hair . After this dip your towel in hot water and then tie it on your hair. Keep it for sometime. If possible repeat this procedure. This helps the oil to penetrate into the roots of the hair. Moreover it helps in a good blood circulation in the areas near the scalp and helps in good growth of your hair. Then wash it with oil based shampoo. Your problem of dry hair will get solved.

08-02-2009, 02:30 AM
You should add that shampoo of nettle is really good for hair. You can check it if you do not believe ;)

09-02-2009, 05:46 PM
nice tips thank you for share.

09-03-2009, 09:52 PM
what do you mean you dont know how to tie your hair up girl? do you mean a simple ponytail? get a hairbrush and a fine toothed comb, hair tie and hair spray. brush your hair back with a hairbrush, front to back, taking care to get out all the knots, then use your non dominant hand to grasp your ponytail and use ur brush to help get the bottom part up a little bit more smoothly, and use your dominant hand to take the fine toothed comb and brush the top part of your hair into the ponytail, so that it lays flat and smooth and doesnt have bumps and spray some hairspray on it so that it stays down and just take your hair tie and tie it off

i hope that helps you sorry if youre still having trouble. its all about keeping the hair looking smooth and not bumpy so your brush and comb really helps with that