View Full Version : Will Sunscreen cause vitamin D deficiency?

04-03-2013, 11:22 AM
I'm a regular user of sunscreen and i use it throughout the year. I know it helps delay the aging process and also lower the risk of skin cancer. As vitamin D production is directly related to sun, will sunscreen cause vitamin D deficiency?

04-03-2013, 05:19 PM
Recently there is much concern among the individuals that sun protection (sunscreen use) may result in vitamin D deficiency.However, that's not the case, it does limit the vitamin D production, but that's not enough to cause deficiency. You don't necessarily need daily sun for vitamin D, your daily diet is usually sufficient to maintain normal vitamin D level. If you are really concerned about not getting enough Vitamin D, you may consult your doctor for further recommendation of multivitamins or you may take foods and drinks that are rish in Vitamin D, such as salmon, eggs, milk and orange juice.

04-05-2013, 08:09 PM
Thanks Deepak, now thats clear. Thank you for your suggestion.