View Full Version : Random red hot patches usually on hands- thank you

11-18-2012, 01:22 AM

Since around August time I sometimes out of the blue come up with random patches usually on my hands. Sometimes a little bit on my face and the other day awkwardly I felt it on my feet when wearing shoes. My skin just feels very reactive. I do not have an obvious allergies except pollen and some dust. The patches feel like burning sensations and it makes it hard to concentrate. They are becoming more frequent. I don't really know why - so any advice would be great. I did wonder if it is stress related - but I can't say there is a direct link there.

I have attached a few pics of my hands to show you. Please note the quality is a little poor- so the red blotches I would say are 3xs more red than they appear in the pic. Red enough for people to see it from a few metres away. They are a bright red and feel hot.

Extra notes:

Computer related: There does not seem to be a link with the computer - but I have noticed when I go touch a lot of cardboard boxes - my skin arm which goes in contact now comes up with quite a few white lines with red surrounding skin.

Odd occasions: Oddly - one i accidently wacked my thumb against a cold metal rod- part of a table. It didn't hurt and wasn't a dangerous hit. But for about 15 mins my thumb lumped a little and went redish- it was unusual and very hot and uncomfortable

In one of the images my hand wrinkles- that was the only time that happened. You can't see it that clearly but in that picture other parts of my hand went bright red.

Thank you in advance

11-18-2012, 12:47 PM

Here was the other image

11-18-2012, 05:05 PM
Welcome to the forum Hannah. You condition looks like Urticaria to me which is very common condition... Anything can cause Urticaria ( drugs,infection,foods, dust,pollen,mold, latex.. and many more). Yes emotional stress can also cause urticaria, even pressure, heat or cold can cause urticaria..

Few questions...
Do they itch?
How long do they last?

11-18-2012, 06:26 PM
Yes, the lesions also seems like chronic urticaria(hypersensitive urticaria) to me. As Deepak said there are many causes. So I suggest you to visit dermatologist and undergo the allergen test to determine the specific culprit and as far as possible avoid it or you can also undergo desensitization therapy.

11-18-2012, 08:51 PM
Few questions...
Do they itch?
How long do they last?

Thank you for your reply - yes they do tend to itch but the levels of itching vary - but the sensation which is most strong is the heat.

When I get the reactions on my face which look a little different - they just look like red rashes and tend to last for longer than those on my hand. It can last from 5 mins to about half an hour I think...maybe a little longer but the heat/itchiness usually calms down by then.

I looked at utricaria- description wise it sounds right. The images I have seen don't match mine but it could be that they are more severe images. Thank you!

11-18-2012, 08:59 PM
Yes, the lesions also seems like chronic urticaria(hypersensitive urticaria) to me. As Deepak said there are many causes. So I suggest you to visit dermatologist and undergo the allergen test to determine the specific culprit and as far as possible avoid it or you can also undergo desensitization therapy.

Than you - I'll also do some digging into desensitization therapy as I haven't done anything more than what I used to do. Although I'm working longer hours at work and am feeling tired - and am more irritated inside so I guess it could be connected. No idea though - thank you