View Full Version : heartburn help

Dorothy Evans
11-13-2012, 10:52 PM
i suffer from bad heartburn specialy at nights i need an efective medication a.s.a.p

11-14-2012, 03:49 AM
Is anything triggering the heartburn, like alcohol, spicy food? Have you tried any over the counter medicine? Any other symptoms?

11-14-2012, 06:46 AM
My husband suffers from heartburn at night. He drinks a large glass of milk which takes it away. Calcium is a natural way to help heartburn. There are many over the counter remedies as well as prescriptions. Try the milk if you are looking for something natural and will not interfere with any health issues or medications you may be taking.

11-14-2012, 01:31 PM
My husband suffers from heartburn at night. He drinks a large glass of milk which takes it away. Calcium is a natural way to help heartburn. There are many over the counter remedies as well as prescriptions. Try the milk if you are looking for something natural and will not interfere with any health issues or medications you may be taking.

I may have given that advice a few years ago but now I know dairy is actually quite a common trigger of acid reflux and heartburn due to the high fat content. Its been proven to cause long term problems relating to heartburn even if it offers temporary relief for some.
What triggers heartburn in one may not to another person so its usually good to try and find the culprit early so the esophagus doesn't suffer damage over time.
Just simple things like avoiding food and drink for at least a couple of hours before bed so food in stomach has time to digest and drinking less fluids with meals can help.

11-15-2012, 12:32 AM
Most medications for heartburn have calcium as it's first ingredient. All dairy is not high in fat. We always buy skim milk and it does take away heartburn. Actually doctors recommend it as a first step in dealing with heartburn.

Dorothy if your heartburn is chronic please speak to your doctor as there are many remedies that can help you. Heartburn is so painful please let us know how you are doing.

11-15-2012, 06:25 AM
I agree with you that it's generally what a doctor recommends but I know it doesn't work for me. When looking into why milk made me worse and not better I found out that the enzymes in milk slow down digestion which taken before bed can, over time, cause heartburn/acid reflux to become worse. More common than I first thought too.
Anyway I wouldn't be surprised if Dorothy answers herself like on other posts. :p

01-12-2013, 03:35 PM
Hello Guys heartburn is a situation that impacts a range of individuals, but it can be tempered to a level.(Instructions of Prevention)
Avoid the following substances that can make heartburn more intense like coffee,onions, fatty foods such as pizzas, delicious meals, bubbly beverages, and tomato products. Preventing these meals and also quite smoking will help to lower the possibilities of heartburn happening.Thanks a lot!!

03-13-2013, 10:25 AM
Its been proven to cause long term problems relating to heartburn even if it offers temporary relief for some.

11-12-2013, 05:56 AM
Drink a large glass of water as soon as you feel the first flicker of a heartburn.
Eat healthy and chew food properly.
Eat smaller and more frequent meals.
Eat 2 or 3 hours before you go to bed.

03-11-2017, 05:43 AM
Heartburn is mainly due to acidity. one should take dinner at least three hours before going to bed as i practice it from a year and it is effective and beside that if you have severe initially then take half glass of milk and add half water in it and add some salt or sugar for taste. it help rapidly in relief.