View Full Version : Did you know your skin can be oily and dry at the same time?

04-30-2012, 09:37 AM
Symptoms of a dehydrated skin include excess oil production throughout the day; usually two to three hours after cleansing. This occurs due to the fact that the skin is in need of water and will then compensate by producing excess oil. Skin consists of 70% water, should skin dehydrate, it will appear sallow, dull and oily. Texture tends to be coarse and skin is rather thick with deep wrinkles and has a rubbery feel to it.

What most people do not realize is that dehydrated skin is very similar to oily skin. Both lack water due to various reasons. These could include incorrect skin care products (alcohol and acetone toners or astringents are a major cause of dehydration; the more you dry your skin out with these substances, the more oil the skin will produce to compensate), excessive perspiration due to hot weather conditions or sport activities, drinking too little water, using diuretics (when not prescribed by a doctor; this can be extremely dangerous) and also a diet high in refined foods (processed and fatty starchy foods, chocolates and excess cheese and dairy products) and low in fruit and vegetables (fruit & vegetables contain water).

For more info on treatment and identification: [link under review]

05-02-2012, 03:06 PM
Hormonal sensitivity causes the loss of essential fatty acids from the skin and it has been shown that the oil (sebum) of acne sufferers can lose up to 90% of its linoleic acid content. Such a change causes a rapid increase in the rate the skin loses water (trans epidermal water loss - TEWL). This can be damaging to skin cells; the skin responds by increasing oil production and also increasing the rate at which it produces new epidermal cells and also increases the deposition of keratin into these cells. This thickening of the skin and also the increase in oil slows down TEWL.

The problem is that the epidermis also lines the opening of the hair follicle duct where the oil comes out of and as the epidermis thickens the increased number of dead skin cells and the oil can block this hole, which leads to blackheads and white heads. If the area under the plug is colonised by the bacteria p.acnes then a spot and inflammation can result.

The bacteria migrate under the plug because they normally feed on the oil that is produced on the surface but when this supply is stopped due to the blockage of the hair follicle duct, it goes in search of food. P.acnes releases lipase enzymes to break down the oil (triglycerides) to produce glycerol which it feeds on. The other by-products of this breakdown fall off the skin along with dead skin cells during normal exfoliation. However when this happens under the plug, the by-products of this enzyme breakdown are trapped and as they build up they cause an inflammatory response leading to tissue damage and maybe scarring.

So while there are reasons to exfoliate and wash oil off the skin one needs to be aware that this will lead to an increase neater loss again and you can end up exacerbating the condition with increased oil production and skin cell production. Also benzoyl peroxide can damage your langerhan cells (special cells that help protect the skin from UV damage and also are part of the immune function protecting the skin). Retinoids also thin the skin which can also have a negative effect. Salicylic acid is another exfoliant and can dissolve the plug. Antibiotics lead to resistance. So where do you go to clear acne but without the consequences and risks?

05-16-2012, 12:43 PM
Yes it's possible many suffer from this. If you have oily skin, which you cover with a lot of product(s) to get rid of the oil. Your skin then got dry while it was even oilier. It happens because your skin was dried and irritated because of the products, so your sebaceous glands keep producing more oil to offset the dryness.

05-29-2012, 03:13 PM
It is really irritating. I drink so much water, that appears to affect my fitness more than anything (going backwards and forwards to the toilet!). The Aknicare cream i use works well at keeping the skin hydrated too :cool:

frank brooks
11-06-2012, 08:48 PM
I didnt know this was possible... good to know!!

04-06-2013, 09:05 AM
The issue is that the skin also collections the starting of the locks string duct where the oil comes out of and as the skin thickens the improved number of scalp and the oil can prevent this starting, which results in pimples and white-colored brings. If the area under the connect is colonised by the parasites p.acnes then a identify and swelling can outcome.

11-21-2013, 06:34 AM
Try some of the essential oils for moisturising like Rose Hip Oil, Jojoba Oil or Emu Oil.

12-23-2013, 06:06 AM
Thanks for your post.T area is oil.I drank a lot of water , eat a lot of fruit.

Really want to improve my skin

12-26-2013, 06:27 AM
Thanks for your post.T area is oil.I drank a lot of water , eat a lot of fruit.

Really want to improve my skin Its good that you are conscious about your skin but don’t be over care for that because sometimes we make lots of mistakes for skin problems and get negative results.