View Full Version : Michael Jackson Dies at 50

06-26-2009, 05:36 AM
Media confirms the death of Pop King Star, Michael suffered a cardiac arrest,

The life of Michael Jackson was reportedly hanging with series of diseases like Vitiligo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitiligo),SLE (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemic_lupus_erythematosus), a1-Antitrypsin deficiency.

The late Michael Jackson was diagnosed in 1986 with vitiligo and SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus); the SLE is potentially lethal with no known cure, the treatment of SLE is symptomatic. In a 90-minute interview with Oprah Winfrey in February 1993, Jackson dismissed suggestions that he bleached his skin, admitting for the first time that he had the illness. The admission went on to promote a public debate on the topic of vitiligo, a relatively unknown condition before then.

On December 22,2008,The Sun newspaper reported, that Jackson was suffering from a genetic disease, A1AD (a1-Antitrypsin deficiency), that left him 95% blind, barely able to speak and in need of a lung transplant. He also has emphysema and chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, which his doctors have had a lot of trouble stopping.Jacko Needs Lung swap (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/usa/article2059861.ece)

All these complications that he suffered during these recent years could be the manifestations of SLE ( Systemic Lupus Erythematosus).

06-26-2009, 06:24 AM
Oh very sad news to hear. He was a king of POP.

06-26-2009, 06:38 AM
yea sad news. May his soul rest in peace.

06-26-2009, 07:02 PM
It was THE NEWS of the day... I was in shock for a long time when I heared it on the radio while I was driving... I am still very sad...

06-27-2009, 09:07 AM
yea very sad moment.. may his soul rest in peace. I heard cause of death was acute Myocardial Infraction.

06-27-2009, 12:28 PM
our family were a great fan of him,esp my father.

Lupus Survivor
06-28-2009, 10:52 AM
I've read the articles and heard reports that MJ's Lupus was in remission. True he had lupus - an often fatal incurable disease - BUT with LUPUS one can be 'in' remission one day and 'out' the next - fighting a serious battle for one's life, especially if heavy STRESS is present! Unquestionably, Michael Jackson was under enormous stress, just by his lifestyle alone! Toss Lupus (SLE) in the mix and one IS SURELY looking at a shortened life, if stress isn't kept to an absolute minimum!!!

Systemic Lupus IS VERY misunderstood and is quite scary for many who are not familiar with it. Many times I've had to explain Lupus isn't contagious!! But people create their own opinions without doing the research and yes, even pull away out of fear! Try coupling a wheelchair with ANY disease and it seems to scare people, reminding them of their own vulnerability. Although, just for one moment, imagine the fear of the one sitting in it, fighting a disease for which there is no cure!!

Oddly with Lupus, one can look fairly healthy on the outside, but the inside can be a completely different story! SLE is incredibly baffling, even in the medical community, because Lupus can present itself in so many different ways! Just looking at my life alone, the doctors state I am a miracle and shouldn't be here! But, my battle is far different than any battle fought by MJ! I survive because I DON'T HAVE TO HIDE my condition, various treatments and much needed medical care!

No doubt if Michael Jackson was frail, in a severe flare, prior to his upcoming schedule, and the money problems were as dire as is being reported, then the stress to perform and protect a secret - for fear he and his 50 future concerts wouldn't be insurable - would be immeasurable! Even his statement, "this is my last curtain call" seems to elude to a private secret, but very clear knowledge that he NEEDS to SLOW down!!

Now, more than ever, I think his odd behavior ~ running around in a mask ~ makes sense! Perhaps, in the beginning, the mask wasn't meant to be mysterious, but was instead a protective measure for MJ [and later on his kids,] from picking up any germs that could invade his space and ultimately throw his body into a very serious life threatening flare!!

Not surprising, as soon as I found out I was seriously ill with a life altering, life threatening illness, I got angry. Then, shortly after went into fighting mode and began to research numerous ways to protect myself and increase my life span!! (ie you name it; juices, vitamins, oxygen therapy, accupuncture, as well as avoiding ill people like the plaque.) I knew I had a lifetime to experience and wanted to live!

Strange enough, after MJ's little known reported 1986 SLE diagnosis, he did change from the "Man in the Mirror" we once knew, as he held closely his Lupus secret for years!

But, soon after 1986, the public grew fascinated as it was reported he began looking at, and exercising state-of-the-art options to extend his life span, via the hyperb. chamber, etc., along with cultivating his unique, much publicized, curiosity with another life threatening disorder of the elephant man. And, to further add to our confusion, we watched perplexed, as Michael's nose became smaller and smaller. Could it be he was continually removing tell-tale signs of the common 'lupus rash' that affects many lupus sufferers? We'll never ever really know, but collectively perhaps these things are the actions of a man fighting demons a very misunderstood disease left in his midst?

Remember Rock Hudson's battle with AIDS? People made their own judgment calls about what they saw because he lived a reclusive life. Speaking from experience, when I'm in a flare, I lay low and essentially become a hermit! I'll admit, recently I even considered donning a mask to avoid getting the swine flu - which was clearly taking the lives of those with compromised immune systems such as mine!!! Perhaps this behavior opens me up to judgment too!! My attitude? Better to be alive and look a little weird, than to put my family where the Jackson's family is now... saying goodbye to a loved one...

In closing, NO DOUBT, the numerous meds prescribed for pain, etc. made him act odd throughout the years. ~ BUT... let me ask you this... What would you do if you had to cope with muscular/skeletal aches and pain that was nearly unbearable?! I've had to, as well as the countless other SLE sufferers who fight their own battle, and let me tell you, its no walk in the park!!!

Think about it like this ~ I doubt Michael Jackson ever wanted your sympathy or to feel sorry for him! HE WANTED YOUR ADMIRATION!

~~~YET ~~~ The caveat, people don't admire disease!!!

As a fellow Lupus sufferer, I can only imagine the pain he endured behind each and every performance.... and my heart breaks!

Perhaps, now, we have a new understanding of Systemic Lupus and what it can do, whether or not the cardiac arrest was primary or secondary to the Lupus! My only regret, too bad our education came too late in the loss of our American Pop King!! :(

07-01-2009, 03:37 AM
I am also too sad to hear about this. He was great pop star known as king of pop. I loved his singing and dancing style. He was unique and i don't hope new Jackson will born again.:(

07-01-2009, 02:39 PM
I was watching on TV about that doctor which, how they say, is fault for his death. I think that`s not true, he was very sick and...we could waiting for it. But this is really sad, we lost our king...

- Dennis :(

07-05-2009, 02:42 PM
Really very sad news to hear. I love his HEAL THE WORLD.. Its my mobile ring tone