View Full Version : Isotretinoin in pregnancy

05-27-2009, 06:58 PM
I'm 27 year old and has been suffering from severe acne. My doctor prescribed isotretinoin. I was told about the birth defect it causes during pregnancy. Now we are planning to have baby.But i'm afraid so planning to stop the medication. So my question is when can i stop treatment or i don't need to stop
before planning to get baby. I heard that you can't have a baby after immediately stopping. What is your suggestions

05-27-2009, 08:17 PM
Isotretinoin is teratogenic in humans. Current recommendation suggest Isotretinoin should not be used in females of childbearing potential, until and unless other therapy fails to work. As Isotretinoin has short half life so the recent recommendation is that conception may be attempted 1 months after the cessation of treatment.

So i strictly suggest you to avoid conception during and a months after treatment. Always use contraception barriers to avoid pregnancy throughout the treatment. Please do discuss further with your doctor about this.